By Donna Kmetz
PROMPT — Who am I today?
I think too much Processing every syllable Certain there’s a hidden meaning Desperate to understand
I trust too little Wary of giving up power Convinced there are hidden motives And a way to take advantage
I love cautiously Wondering if I’m doing it right Summoning my hidden strength Determined to be better
I employ snarky humor As a defense mechanism The hidden weapon In my arsenal of protection
I give too many chances Hedging my bets Barely surprised when the hidden agenda Reveals itself and takes me out
I wonder if I’m normal Unsure what normal is Marveling I may be a hidden treasure Yet to be discovered
I feel too much
Waves of emotion annihilate me as
Close ones expose their hidden nature
Duplicitous and ignorant of fallout
I pretend I’m okay
As I slowly fall apart
Hidden in plain sight
Wondering when they’ll spot the cracks
I debate throwing in the towel
Engulfed by doubt
Conjuring my hidden talent
Denying my feelings
I soldier on
Keeping my emotions under wraps
Suppressing my true self
Remaining hidden
Donna Kmetz is a transplanted Jersey girl living on the gulf coast of Florida. Professionally, she is The Freckled Beachcomber, operating a furniture restoration and coastal home decor business. When the spirit moves her, as it does often these days, she writes poetry and continues to work on a novel about her childhood, hoping to capture the craziness of being raised by her father in the 1970s.