By Khloe Kempker
PROMPT — The way I see it ...
When I’m gone
Tell them that I was humorously human
With my clumsy steps and my foolish smile
A laugh so loud that it would shake the walls
Without care should they fall
Tell them that
I never left a treacherous trail
Of burdened broken hearts like seashells along the shore
That I always strove to reach the surface of the sun
Leaving the darkness behind me
With the purpose that it spread to no one
When I’m gone
Tell them that I will be saying hello
By using bold bright colors to paint the sky
Do not race through life to meet my face
Not all artists hike to find their muse
Tell them that
I lived my life with purpose
To feel real in this world
Leaving a lasting impression
For when I’m gone
Khloe Kempker is an 18-year-old freshman attending Western Michigan University, studying creative writing. Writing has been a passion of hers from a young age and she plan to pursue writing as a career to spread her work to others. Khloe writes from Portage, Michigan.