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By John Lynn Swainston

PROMPT — The way I see it ...

I am sure there is a name for it.

I called it drifting, getting from

one place to another

without taking a step.

When the Black Knight, who was

sent by Lucifer, arrived –

I would drift:

For a ride on the beach.

A walk in a park.

Go to the zoo, NO NO NO

He was always there.

Or, I would climb into a painting

hanging on the wall.

Exploring what was not seen.

Escaping, if only in my mind.


John L. Swainston started writing poetry to cope with feelings of isolation during COVID. He learned the craft by taking Zoom classes in poetry and writing at Turning Point, a support organization. His first published poem was published by The Journal of Expressive Writing. He is a member of The Mystic Poet Society, The Writers Place, and The Kansas City Writers Group. He has received three awards for his writing, including the Editor's Choice Award for a poem in Veterans’ Voices. His first book of poems, Memory Box was published Spring, 2022. John is a retired Finance Executive, College Adjunct Professor, and Army Veteran. He writes from Gardner, KS.


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