By Kumar Ghimire

PROMPT — The way I see it ...
Allow me to embrace
The innocence of childhood
Tasting each fleeting moment
Even in the silence of nothingness.
Let me immerse myself
In the waves and flow of my
bridled sea of imagination.
Let me revel in the playfulness
Of my own uninhibited simplicity
And disregard any preconceptions.
Grant me the courage
To insult the notions of wise respectfully.
Let my smile radiate joy
With its gentleness.
I yearn to glow like a flame
And fulfill my dormant desires.
Let me erase the awareness
Of being bound by chains.
I aspire to soar within the frequencies of imagination, like the sky's clouds.
Amidst the chaos of conformity,
Allow me to blossom into uniqueness.
Let me, write myself;
Full of the sky,
So the world could read.
“I am common uniqueness.”
Kumar Ghimire is a poet from Nepal. He writes his poetry in Nepali and English languages. His poems have been published in Greece, UK, and the USA. Kumar writes from Biratnagar, Province 1, Nepal.