By Lulu Logan

PROMPT—Privilege ...
Living in the land of I don’t know
Waiting for direction for which way to go
Waiting for the voice of the One who will show
When and where and why I should go
Yes, I’m living in the land of I don’t know.
Abiding in the space of I don’t know
It’s all a state of grace,
This I completely know.
Confused and scared as the four winds blow
Still living in the land of I don’t know.
Resting in the arms of the One who does know
Protected and connected from above and below
Not resisting where I am in the I don’t know
One step at a time, my path is aglow
As I float in the land of I don’t know.
Lulu Logan is an aspiring and active poet and prose writer, living with her dogs in Winter Garden, Florida. She's watching and wondering what to do with the giant oak that recently was felled by Hurricane Milton, crushing the wooden swing in her backyard which brought daily discoveries to write about.