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Turn the Corner

By Marjorie Moorhead

PROMPT—During Covid-19 ...

Goodbye 2020. I’ve eaten my fill

of snickerdoodles, gingerbread,

chocolate chip cookies, yeast bread ladened

with dates, butter, brown sugar. Sweetness

and goo enough to bring me down

the last lap; the exhausting

strangely disconnected limbo

of end-of-the-year.

This particular year had a harsh coating

of pandemic gloating in our faces like shiny egg wash,

painted on with threat of death; wreaking

of sorrow and loss, tragedy and cruelty. Separation.

Thankful for the birds-a-plenty, green pine, storybook snow,

warmth and food enough. Being able to behold young love,

and muddle through old. To see the bright moon dazzling

in night’s sky. Enjoy our elders being amongst us.

I snap these pictures, in my mind; the lovely moments.

Shoring up, storing them in heart and memory,

stacked like sand bags against storm waters rising;

a hope for resiliency.


Marjorie Moorhead writes from northern New England, having found poetry as a language to speak about survival, environment, and how we treat one another.




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