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By Grzegorz Wróblewski

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The old mare no longer fit

in the expensive stables.

She was gray and lame, so her owners

sent her to a slaughterhouse.

They bought a young, attractive horse from

a good breeding farm.

An exchange took place.

Just like with people.

That's why old people dye their hair.

They try to stay upright so they don't get buried

in a hole.

The old mare was not suitable

for expensive stables.

Old people don't fit into postcards from blue lagoons


Grzegorz Wróblewski was born in 1962 in Gdańsk and grew up in Warsaw. Since 1985, he has been living in Copenhagen. English translations of his work are available in Our Flying Objects (trans. Joel Leonard Katz, Rod Mengham, Malcolm Sinclair, Adam Zdrodowski, Equipage, 2007), A Marzipan Factory (trans. Adam Zdrodowski, Otoliths, 2010), Kopenhaga (trans. Piotr Gwiazda, Zephyr Press, 2013), Let's Go Back to the Mainland (trans. Agnieszka Pokojska, Červená Barva Press, 2014), Zero Visibility (trans. Piotr Gwiazda, Phoneme Media, 2017), Dear Beloved Humans (trans. Piotr Gwiazda, Lavender/Dialogos Books, 2023) Asemic writing book Shanty Town (Post-Asemic Press, 2022). He writes from Copenhagen/Denmark.


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