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"Parental Guidance"

By Ty'ona Crocker

PROMPT—No one noticed ...

Attached to the hip, you were my one & only

Couldn’t go a second without your presence, you were my rise & shine

You were my hero of all people, my admiration was high

You gave me everything I needed, I owed you my lifeline

Years go by and something started to change

My view became clearer, it made me become estranged

I suffered in silence with things I thought I could handle

I thought you would notice when I was going mental

You never spoke up when I was verbally traumatized

I can’t tell if you didn’t know or you just didn’t want to realize

You never questioned my anger, why was I so angry at the world

You thought I was a problematic child or so you heard

You praised me for good grades because that’s all you knew

Never once did you realize what I was going through

You never saw the hate that I had to bare

You never that it could happen under your care

I was struggling on my own even though you were right there

I resulted to bad habits with the use of my bare hands

You called me stupid and crazy for the things that I have done

But those things have helped me when there was none

My cries for help seemed to not have been heard

So I fell deep down into a pit of concern

You were great physically but mentally unprepared

Emotionally undevoted it's like you didn’t care

I will not bash you as if you didn’t give me the life that we share

But the time has come where we are no longer considered a pair


Ty’ona Crocker is 19 years old and grew up in Philadelphia. Poetry is her way of expressing the thoughts that she can't always say.


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