By Sha Huang

PROMPT — Who am I today?
In charge of my inner room
In charge of no others
Exchange our colors
your purple, my blue
Recharge myself with more colors
Today black, tomorrow gold
Recharge with little
new hobbies new people, new connections
New wounds
Reinvent me
Reincarnate out of my skin
Shed layers of skins
Shed memory
Swim in new water
Keep swimming
Keep swallowing, absorbing
Keep leaving myself behind
Sha Huang grew up in China and received her PhD degree in the University of Iowa. Her poems were published in 16 literary journals and anthologies in China and the U.S, including Verse-Virtual, Trouvaille Review, Global Poemic, and Chinese and Western Poetry (中西诗歌). She currently teaches at a university in the U.S. and lives in the state of Georgia.