By Anthony John Ward
PROMPT — Who am I today?
Who am I today?
The same person as yesterday-
Except better?
But the day before yesterday, I was worse,
And worse still the day before that.
Last year I felt different to how I feel now,
Although I'm very much the same person I was when I was little,
The same fears, the same hang ups,
Still doing the things I don't do.
Feeling sentimental without really knowing how I felt at the time,
Was I not full of remorse for myself and angry at the world,
Wearing myself out, as anxious as I am now?
Who will I be tomorrow?
The same person as today,
For better or worse,
As I was yesterday.
Anthony John Ward tends to fidget with his thoughts in the hope of laying them to rest. He has managed to lay them in a number of establishments, including Shot Glass Journal, Jerry Jazz Musician, Literary Yard, The Metaworker, and New Note Poetry. Anthony writes from Durham, England.