By Sinéad MacDevitt

PROMPT — Despite ...
Despite this pandemic, I'm at work. Despite this pandemic, I'm on a sabbatical. Despite this pandemic, I'm constantly training. Despite this pandemic, I'm on a break. Despite this pandemic, I'm socializing. Despite this pandemic, I'm on a retreat. Despite this pandemic, I'm very healthy. Despite this pandemic, I'm very fit. Despite this pandemic that's continuing to last, I still have much more to celebrate.
Sinéad MacDevitt’s work has been published in Boyne Berries, Extended Wings, Revival Literary Journal, The Reform Jewish Quarterly, The Flying Superhero Clothes Horse, and Mustang Bally. In 2001, she was shortlisted for the Swords Heritage Festival short story competition. In 2009, Sinéad was highly commended for the Jonathan Swift prose competition. Her poems were commended for the Francis Ledwidge, LMFM and Rush Poetry competitions. In 2013, she was awarded second prize for the Desmond O’Grady competition. Sinéad writes from Ireland.